Yellow and Green Travel Portfolio Website (2).jpg
Yellow and Green Travel Portfolio Website (1).jpg

Welcome to Lunar Embrace!

We are more than a shop; we are a community space for those seeking to celebrate and embrace their bodies freely.  We offer an invitation for all to set aside the judgements and conditions placed on us from living in a culture of dieting and weight stigma. We fully embrace the beauty of the glorious bodies in which we live, breathe, move and have our being.

Why Lunar? Embrace!

The moon is a constant source of time-keeping that is connected to the energy of the Divine Feminine.  In all of its phases, the moon reminds us of the cyclical nature of life.  Nothing is ever lost that cannot be found again or anew.  Whether we see the moon in the sky or not, we know that it is there.  It may not be visible on a cloudy night; it may be below the horizon, or it may not be in a position that allows it to reflect the light of the sun to earth (the New Moon).

For too long diet culture, the roots of which go back over 175 years ago in an effort of the larger patriarchal culture to control female bodies and value white bodies over black and brown bodies, has fused its rules for the body in our minds.  It is time for a major shift.  We look to the moon as a symbol of feminine energy; an ever- repeating promise of renewal and rebirth. Let us harness this energy to renew a loving relationship with our bodies.  Let us replace the roots of conditional acceptance and toxic self-criticism with the seeds of our personal values and creative energy.  If we were not so caught up in thinking about what foods are ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ to eat and whether our bodies look ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, think of all the space that would be freed up for other ideas! We all have a body that carries our soul through its journey on earth, let us look to the power of the moon and Lunar Embrace!

Who can Lunar Embrace?

Lunar Embrace is for all genders seeking to connect or relate more to their feminine energy and to seek a deep love for all bodies, including our own.